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Post Pandemic Work Culture and Digital Nomadism


The pandemic was a wake up call for the labour markets globally in 2020. Organisations started looking into cost saving measures. The sudden closure brought forth a new phase of remote work for millions of people who otherwise had to show up in office spaces. There has never been a time when work culture has gone through such extreme shifts in any era before this pandemic. While many companies switched to working remotely from home, others are still following a hybrid model and experimenting with different trends in terms of work flexibility.

​ People are rethinking and reconsidering what they want from their careers and how they want to work. Employers are not just trying to meet the needs of a diverse workforce but also reconsidering basics of work culture. In the wake of COVID-19, employers are planning on how digital nomadism can be fused into the workforce of the new times. Many people are choosing not to come to the office workspace every day of the week. Employers are building hybrid work models to address the demands of employees.

​ Life before the pandemic and life in the post covid era are extremely different. More and more companies are untethering their employees from cubicles and workspaces and many countries are introducing visas for digital nomads across the globe. Nomadic culture is being embraced. Digital nomadism has become a reality and a way of life. In the US alone, 10 million people identify themselves as digital nomads and by 2035, the number is expected to reach a billion worldwide and that was before covid pandemic. (thebiq.org)

​ Digital nomadism trend is accelerated by the pandemic. A study by Microsoft’s Work Trend Index showed that there is a scarcity for finding talent as most of them want flexible work options to continue in the post pandemic world. Flexibility is the most effective way any employer can attract the best talent. There was a time when remuneration was thought to be the biggest factor that attracts the workforce but not anymore. Time is the most valuable asset for anyone. Pandemic made a lot of people realise that. ​ According to VisaGuide.world, 26 countries are now offering a legal path for foreigners to work while travelling. Many agencies are coming up with programmes to attract highly skilled workers to their region. Many countries are also offering tailored visas for extended- stay working trips. According to the 2020 State of Independence in America Report, the number of digital nomads grew by 96% in 2020 compared to 2019 figures. The digital nomad trend existed well before the pandemic, but the availability of broadband services has made ‘work-cationing’ easier.

​ Many employers are choosing to spend the money they use for office spaces for team experiences. And that’s a beautiful perspective if you think about it. No one should detest going to work. What matters is getting the job done irrespective of where they are. These perspective shifts are shaping the future of work in the post pandemic era. ​ ​ ​