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Chasing the Sunshine & the Storms


When your alarm goes off in the morning, if you are rushing to your 9-5 work where what greets you is depressing faces, pale windowpanes, dusty shelves and stained coffee mugs, you probably might want to rethink your life’s purpose. The pandemic has taught a lot of people that work no matter from wherever you do is work done. The remote work revolution sure made its way wider in the last two years. It’s no more a norm to get to a physical workplace and be around folks you aren’t comfortable with. No one wants to be stuck in a windowless office waiting forever for the plot of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty to unfurl in their lives. While a lot of people have learned to get comfy on their sofas at home with a laptop, others are choosing a less taken road – Nomadism.

Let us roll this scene again. When your alarm goes off in the morning, you awaken to a change of scenery. There’s no rush to get anywhere, instead, you pick a hot mug of tea and choose to sit in the backyard of a tea plantation in Munnar and feel the morning chills. You got your laptop and a good internet connection and your work still begins and ends just like any other day. This time there is no pale-looking windows or boring walls, just gorgeous green hills bringing warmth to your body, mind and soul. And once work gets wrapped, you are free to get out and explore and experience the world in all its wonder.

As a location independent worker, one has to learn the nuances of prioritizing and remaining productive. When you learn to handle whatever your clients throw your way, you are on your road to subtle learning the art of digital nomadism. You learn to work from a boat or a hill. You learn to manage the juggle on the go. A true digital nomad learns their way around to focus in any and every situation. Having an open mind is not just cool but an essential feature to adorn too. You are bound to come across many landscapes that get under your skin and soak into your bone. This satisfies the thirst of the traveller in you and still lets you make money.

Travelling and working remotely gives you the flexibility to explore new spots, expand your horizons, chase the sunshine and the storms – isn’t that the best of both worlds? You can never run out of inspiration when you choose to travel and explore. It helps you grow as a person and make valuable connections. From an era when digital nomadism was an unrecognizable word to a period where more and more people choose to ditch the 9-5 job to be wherever they want to be, whenever they want, doing whatever that needs to be done, movin’ and groovin’ is the trend. The question is what are you chasing?