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Tips on Being Productive As a Digital Nomad



While being a digital nomad can be a dream come true, it can also be a scary experience with all the risks and responsibilities that come with freedom. While most people strive to become digital nomads, many forget to look ahead and see how to make it last. You are your boss and that can be daunting. The most important question most folks fail to ask themselves is: How do I remain productive while traveling and make the most of my life?

Being a digital nomad is undoubtedly a rewarding experience. You get to choose your work style, where you want to work from, the kind of projects you want to pick, your rates, and flexibility. That is not everyone’s cup of tea. If you have a skill set or multiple skill sets that make it possible for you to work remotely with a laptop and a great internet connection, keep reading!

Now, coming to the crucial part. How to stay productive when the winds and mountains are calling and you are overwhelmed by the sights and sounds around you? How to stay focused on your deadlines and not miss communication with your clients? There’s a lot of uncertainty that comes with travel, so how to keep everyone in the loop while not missing out on the fun and adventure? We have some tips we have gathered that will help you manage time and stay productive.

1. Routines and Routines

Now you might think we are crazy! Is it possible to have a routine while you are on the go? Also, wasn’t that the whole point of letting go of our old mundane routines? Yes and Yes. It’s nearly impossible to carry on the same routines while you are traveling, but small routines can be as effective and productive too. It’s as simple as doing a 10-minute stretch right after waking up, or whenever you get a break. It’s important to take care of yourself even when choosing the digital nomadic lifestyle.

Consistency can be a savior while on the go. Scheduling tasks ahead of time would help in avoiding confusion and help you manage time well. You can accomplish your tasks and be productive by creating time slots ahead so that you don’t miss out on crucial tasks for the day. It’s important to have enough sleep and breaks even if you are traveling. By scheduling your tasks, you will be able to stay focused during that time and this would prevent you from stretching your work to your travel or rest time.

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2. Workspace Matters

Setting a workspace is crucial for productivity. Some might choose to work from home but for some, there is a clear line of distinction between home and work. For many, finding coworking spaces ensure that they stay focused on their projects without feeling lazy or tired. There are cafes and restaurants but sometimes finding someplace less noisy is necessary. Most countries have coworking spaces that not only help you focus on your work but also enhance your productivity thus making sure you meet your deadlines and complete your tasks in time.

Working in your pajamas might be a dream come true for many, but in order to have an effective workspace, you should make sure that your workspace has a great ergonomic chair and desk if you are someone who is choosing to work from home. There are many coworking spaces and different websites that help you find coworking spaces close to your area. It’s always up to you to create the best workspace that’s convenient for you.

3. Slow Travel

While it may seem fancy to move from one place to another every week and check out all those places on your bucket list, this requires constant planning and effort. As a beginner digital nomad, always take it slow. Try to stay in one city/town for at least one month before checking out another place. Immerse in the culture and lifestyle of a place. Being a slow nomad makes you become like a local person. Instead of hitting all the tourist destinations, you choose to indulge in one place and experience as much as you can. This helps you connect with the town and its culture. Also, you burn less as a slow nomad. You can save on travel expenses. When thinking about productivity, if you are always on the move, it might be hard to concentrate on your work. Say, you end up changing your time zone every now and then, you might end up feeling constantly miserable with all the jet lag and this might take a toll on your work. It’s better to establish a routine in one place than move around and end up burning more than you can afford.

4. Find Great Tools and Apps

It’s essential to empower yourself while working remotely. There are many tools out there that help you face your hurdles headstrong. Sites like Meetup help you find like-minded nomads. Platforms like Remote OK help you find a wide range of jobs in the countries you travel to. Hotels By Day lets you make room bookings even for a couple of hours without having to pay for a night. Hitlist helps you find cheap and affordable flight tickets to any place in the world. Google Hangouts lets you have free video conferencing for up to 10 people.

There are hundreds of tools out there that will increase your productivity. Choose them to stay organized no matter where you are.

5. Stay Connected

Staying connected with coworkers or clients is the most important part while working remotely. Unlike traditional jobs, you hardly get to meet your coworkers while working virtually. It's important to stay informed and updated with your colleagues while working on the go. If you have to execute your job better, stay in the loop with your team and the requirements. There might be challenges that you might need guidance for.

Keeping your communication steady and consistent helps you learn new skills quickly and also lets you develop healthy work relationships. Talking and understanding projects is essential especially if a team is involved in the same project. This ensures that everyone is on the same page.

To conclude, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We have more tips in the upcoming blogs and we would love to share them with you.