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Being a Mindful Digital Nomad



1. Take it Slow

Becoming a slow nomadic traveler can open new horizons in ways unimaginable. People thrive in slow-paced travel. In order to reduce stress and practice mindfulness, it is important to take a slow pace while traveling. If you are a budget-conscious traveler who is also worried about the impact you have on the planet, maybe it’s a good idea to take it slow. You are in the pursuit of finding something new. And the traveler in you is keen to see more and more places and have more experiences. In order to do this, most of you might think of cramming all your experiences into one short trip. Instead, try to stay put in one destination and understand the culture of the place. Cut down too many destinations at one go. Instead, stick to a few. Maybe stop racing from one destination to another. Focus on quality instead of quantity.

2. Meet and Connect

Sometimes one might feel alone being in a foreign place for a long time. It is always wonderful to connect with people of the same wavelength. There are many Facebook groups, websites, coworking spaces, digital nomad events, and also coliving spaces that enable this. Meeting people from different parts of the world will teach us new things about life and culture. It can lead to potential partnerships and networking opportunities. You never know who you would meet, right? One way to meet up with like-minded people is by volunteering for projects or joining a class for something interesting. This will enhance your journey and your experiences in another country.

3. Reflect

Reflection is one of the most crucial aspects of meditation. It might seem weird to keep your phone aside and do nothing for a long time. Reflecting on oneself is about absolutely doing nothing but reflecting back on the day’s events or finding gratitude in the small things. Maybe you have talked to your friend already about the day and how well it went. But it’s different when you indulge in that thought silently. Another way to do this is through journaling. This can be a great way to reflect on your thoughts for the day. Journaling in itself is a therapy. Reflection might pave new perspectives about life and principles too.

4. Know Your Impact

Remember that even the smallest actions can make a change. Every digital nomad is environmentally responsible too. Do you often buy bottled water or carry something sustainable? Being a digital nomad can be a green choice. This would benefit everyone around you as well. This is why more and more digital nomads prefer slow travel these days. This makes you an environmentally conscious and responsible digital nomad too. The impact we have on the environment is tied to our actions. So making decisions wisely is something all digital nomads should do. One can feel a sense of satisfaction having done your part in keeping the earth away from damage. This can lead to mindfulness as well.


5. Breathe

It is literally important to take deep breaths while on the move. Sometimes, some experiences can be overwhelming, scary, and confusing. It’s alright. You are exploring places. Go for a nice stroll and relax your body and mind after work wherever you are. Find a comfortable place in a cafe or next to a beach and watch that sunset. Always and always bring your attention back to your body and mind at the end of the day. Practicing gratitude helps you find joy and beauty in the little things. You might be working for hours at a stretch. It’s important to take a 10-minute break from your work and recharge yourself through deep breaths and some relaxation before going back to work. If you are someone who enjoys yoga, it might be a great idea to do a few stretches to relieve yourself from the aches and pains that you might endure after sitting for long periods of time.

Staying Mindful is something that most people practice on a daily basis to keep themself relaxed and stress-free. While on the go, this might seem nearly impossible. This is why it’s important to constantly remind yourself that your body and mind are connected and need to take a few breaks and catch a few breaths to keep the adventure going.