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Most Affordable Places for Digital Nomads in 2023 (1)


Being a Digital Nomad means letting go of a typical 9-5 job and choosing to travel to other places and work. Now, this is a precarious move to take. But travelling while working is starting to become the new normal. Many people choose to work from home or remotely, especially after the pandemic. Many organizations have moved from office to hybrid mode to give employees more flexibility. A digital nomad can work from anywhere provided they have a laptop and a good internet connection. They are basically “location-independent”.

Many people are clueless about how to become a digital nomad or what profession can they choose to become a digital nomad. You might do many odd remote jobs before finding out your groove. Whatever you do, makes you gain more experience and exposure. You could try things outside your comfort zone as well. You can try copywriting, blogging, designing, assisting and organizing virtually, managing social media, and affiliate marketing. There are a lot of roles out there that can be done from the comfort of your space. If you are a native English speaker or French speaker and are good at communication, you can choose to teach others the language and earn money virtually. Or in fact, any language in demand can be taught if you are well-versed in it.

Picking a place to begin your journey can be as confusing as the rest of the variables in digital nomadism. A very crucial component of picking the right destination is knowing the affordability and flexibility of working from the place. Here are some countries that are affordable and have great cultures for you to explore.


1. Spain

The autónomo lifestyle is drawing more attention in Spain now. It’s practised by about 3.2 million self-employed people in Spain. This means digital nomadism is becoming more and more common there. Spain is known for its affordability, excellent climate, and great entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Spain is already a well-liked location for remote workers because of some of the greatest internet connections in the EU, a low cost of living, and lots of mild weather. Valencia, a seaside city, was recently named the finest city in the world for digital nomads, and Madrid placed within the top 10. Furthermore, the nation offers an excellent infrastructure for digital nomads, with a variety of co-working places and Wi-Fi hotspots.

Three of the nation's towns topped the UNWTO's annual ranking of the world's top tourist destinations in December, while UNESCO has named a Spanish town the official home of Europe's most picturesque street. The leading Spanish locations for digital nomads are Valencia, Las Palmas (Gran Canaria), Tarifa, Malaga, and Javea. Valencia has a great community of digital nomads, a lovely setting, and is far less costly than Barcelona or Madrid.


2. Nepal

Known for its temples and shrines, Kathmandu is a haven for people who want to visit the Himalayan Range. Nepal is one of the least expensive nations to go to. Nepal is a terrific destination for adventure travellers wishing to experience mountains and rock climbing. In Nepal, the old and the new blend in so well blended and the architecture of places like Kathmandu is breathtaking.

It's one of the least expensive Asian nations outside of Southeast Asia to go to. Many visitors come here with the intention of climbing Mount Everest, although this is only recommended for those who are adventurous and have a great experience with mountain climbing activities. However, it is relatively affordable to go on a trek in some less popular mountains in Nepal.

Nepal has the right variables to attract digital nomads. It’s a great scenic beauty. The internet connection is particularly great here. If you are someone who likes to explore nature and have great food and develop an amazing community around you, Nepal is the place for you.

Places like Pokhara are peaceful and have pathways to mountain adventures in Nepal. If you want to work with a view, a mountain one, pick these serene places. There are also easily accessible activities like hiking, cycling and other fun activities. Pokhara offers delicious, reasonably priced meals.


3. Cambodia

Called a tourist paradise in Southeast Asia, Cambodia has a lot to offer. Some of the great things about Cambodia are its cheap living costs and great wifi availability. Also, the country has amazing markets. For people interested in heritage and culture, Cambodia has a lot to offer as well. Beautiful temples and shrines are one of the greatest attractions of the country when it comes to affordability, no doubt that Cambodia is a digital nomad’s paradise. Food, water, public transportation, hotels, resorts, cafes and nightclubs all costs so little that you would be astounded. Healthcare is pretty affordable too.

In recent years, Siem Reap has drawn a lot of digital nomads who came to the city to tour Angkor Wat. Digital nomads admire Siem Reap's calm atmosphere. Compared to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, it is quieter. Even though Siem Reap receives thousands of visitors, it still has a relaxed atmosphere. Consider living as a digital nomad in Siem Reap if you enjoy travelling and learning about various cultures. There are many enjoyable activities to take part in here in addition to visiting Angkor Wat. The vibrant Old Market, Pub Street, the hub of Siem Reap's nightlife, and military museums are all worth seeing.

There are also plenty of co-working spaces in Cambodia. And it is a great place for digital nomads to begin a long journey. Its biggest tourist destination is Angkor Wat. Some of the breathtaking treasures in Cambodia are Koh Ker, Preah Vihear, and Sambor Prei Kuk. The country has very gorgeous national parks that hardly any tourists visit. Cambodia is a great country for exploring off the beaten path.

In the next blog, we’ll be talking about more affordable countries that can be visited in 2023.