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Myths About Digital Nomads That is so Not True (2)



Thanks to technology and great internet access, it’s easier than ever for people to work from any place they want to. It has become more accessible and flexible than ever before. This has contributed to the rise of digital nomads in the last few years. Although everyone talks about it through various platforms, there are still a lot of misconceptions and myths regarding digital nomads and their lifestyles. Just like in the last blog, we are here exploring and bashing myths about digital nomads in this blog post. This is to make readers aware of the realities and not believe everything superficial that they see on vlogs and social media platforms these days. We want to give you a good insight into the facts and not beat around the bush when it comes to lifestyles and digital nomadism.

A common misconception is that being a digital nomad is like going on vacation forever. From our experiences as digital nomads, we can surely say that’s not the case in reality. Photos and influencers might give you all the wrong idea about digital nomadism. Most people picture a digital nomad as someone with a backpack, always wandering through tough terrains or scenic landscapes. This is not the reality. We stay put in a place sometimes for months and work full time just like most others do. True, being a digital nomad gives you freedom and flexibility, but it also comes with lots of challenges. Most misconceptions and myths kind of destroy the realities of the lifestyle by exaggerating it or making it sound like the worst path to choose. It’s neither. Trust us. We know!

So one by one, let’s fix these misconceptions just like the last time.

1. Digital Nomads are ‘Richie Rich’ Rich

Often, a vacation is compared to a digital nomad lifestyle and this is not the right approach. A digital nomad does not stay in a luxury stay for a long period of time or eat from a Michelin-star restaurant every now and then. Most nomads stay in an AirBnB or co-living spaces which are affordable for a long period of time. Many of them also choose to learn local cuisines and cook them. They are not always moving around from one country to another or going on expensive tour packages. Most digital nomads look for cheaper locations when it comes to staying put in a place. They try to connect with fellow travellers to find affordable places to stay and visit because, unlike a week-long vacation, digital nomads can stay at one place for weeks to months to years sometimes. This also means proper financial management.

2. Digital Nomads are not Productive

This is one of the major misconceptions about digital nomadism. A lot of people think digital nomads are carefree and lethargic and spend most time outdoors and less time working. It's a popular misconception that digital nomads just work a few hours each week and spend the rest of the time relaxing, spending time on beaches or lakes with a nice drink. It’s like they hardly have to think about work. That’s not true you guys! As digital nomads, if they are not mindful of their deadlines and don’t manage time well, they could be in big-time trouble. Being productive irrespective of where they are is Rule No.1! Since you are in command of your time, it’s so much harder to manage it and keep yourself disciplined. Sometimes we do procrastinate but don’t we all? As a nomad, it's crucial to remember that having self-motivation and self-control are prerequisites. To meet deadlines and accomplish professional objectives, we learn how to manage our time and workload, keep concentration, and identify strategies to increase productivity.


3. Nomads have an Exciting Life No Matter What!

If you think, there are no ups and downs or failures when it comes to being a digital nomad, you’ve got it wrong. It’s not always a bed of roses for a digital nomad. Nomads have to figure out a lot when it comes to travel and work-life balance. It’s hard to keep up with time zones sometimes. It’s challenging to find the right place with access to the internet and other essentials. Not an easy ride all the time. This does not mean it’s not exciting or rewarding. It is indeed exciting to meet new people and live in a culture that is new. These experiences are worth it when considering all the hardships one goes through to be a digital nomad. You might see attractive pictures but not ones that show struggles or failures so it’s often easy to mistake that there are only exciting moments and nothing boring. This is not true either. It’s not super cool all the time.

4. It’s All About Travelling to Foreign Countries

You might belong to a specific region in Kerala and might move to Uttarakhand for a couple of months. Does that not make you a digital nomad? It indeed makes you one because India is a vast country with extreme cultures and geography that being in another part of the country makes you gain new experiences and meet new people. Often, it’s thought that you have to be in another foreign country to call your lifestyle nomadic. That’s not true. One can always be in their home country and still be a digital nomad. There is no geographical rule book that makes you a digital nomad or doesn’t make you one. It’s your own tailored viewpoint and experiences that make you a digital nomad.

5. Digital Nomads have no Real Jobs!

It’s a very common misconception that digital nomads are either only entrepreneurs or influencers. It’s impossible to think that they could have a solid job. Wrong again. Digital nomads may not work in typical office environments, but that doesn't imply they aren't doing a stable full-time job. You could also be working as a consultant for organizations or could be a successful freelancer. If you have got the right skillsets in your area, you don’t need to be working in a well-reputed organization to climb the ladder of progress. Just because you did not choose a typical career doesn’t mean it’s not a real job. Nomads do all kinds of jobs. Some are great entrepreneurs, engineers, assistants, designers, photographers, writers and much more.

We hope we were able to bash a couple of misconceptions about being a digital nomad through this blog as well. Keep reading to know more about becoming a digital nomad!

Bon Voyage!