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Becoming a Digital Nomad - Chapter 2


4 key things to know before you pursue digital nomadism.

In the previous blog post, we explored the possibilities of becoming a digital nomad. In the second chapter, we are going to help you set your path toward digital nomadism. Although a lot of folks crave this lifestyle, making it a reality can be confusing for many. Many of us are in our comfort zone with a safe space to live and a great income that makes our life seamless. It might feel quite nerve-racking to think of jumping into unknown terrains. Well, you are not alone. HoverSpacians are going to give a few tips on how it can all come together.

  1. Know your skillset

You could be a writer, a coder or a graphic designer. There are no bounds to the opportunities out there for people to work from anywhere. It's cost-effective for companies to hire digital nomads. It's a matter of finding what these professionals are looking for and what skill sets you require to get there. There are a lot of platforms that can help guide you in developing your skills these days.

Check out: https://www.outofyourcomfortzone.net/20-useful-skills-you-should-learn-today-to-become-a-digital-nomad/

2. Ask Around and Join Communities

In the last blog post, we mentioned NomadList, an online community for like-minded digital nomads who travel around the world. Also, communities like these provide a lot of resource materials that come in handy while travelling. It’s always wise to take suggestions from people who have tested the waters. Facebook has custom digital nomad pages for different countries. There are in-person digital nomad communities as well as online communities. These pages help you to join events, clean-ups, skill-sharing sessions etc.

Check out: https://dollarflightclub.com/digital_nomad_guides/15-best-digital-nomad-communities-to-join/

3. Trial and Error

You might not get it all the right way the first time. You could be someone who is following the hybrid lifestyle of partial remote work. You could be someone who chose digital nomadism completely. Everyone has a different life. Not everyone can take the full plunge but could try and find out, one step at a time. And that’s alright too. You could try being away for a month and see how well you can manage the new lifestyle. Maybe you have obligations back at home you need to fulfil. You could do it your way! With error comes learning.

4. Do your Research

Many of us are clueless wanderers in our unique way. Set apart sometimes to figure out where you want to go and why do you want to go to that particular place. Do your research on what can you contribute if you are in a foreign place. Can you volunteer for a cause that you have always wanted to be a part of? Do your research on finding the right clients who pay you well enough for you to live a decent life while you are there. Talk to people who can help you while you are there. Above all, follow your gut feeling whenever you make a decision!

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