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Perks of Having a Digital Nomad Visa



During Covid, many countries suffered from a reduction in tourism, especially the ones that have significant tourism sectors. Most digital nomads choose to work on a tourist visa while in another country. This comes with a lot of limitations. Many countries are realizing this and choosing to issue freelancer-friendly visas that help remote workers stay back for a longer duration in a country while being exempted from tax. But this does not mean one can get citizenship or residence permit in that country. However, it is a great option for freelancers who are opting to work from different countries. More and more digital nomad-friendly policies are being introduced by governments across the world to boost their tourism industry and attract more tourists since Covid had a great backlash on these industries for the past few years.

A remote worker visa is an amazing concept introduced by many governments as they have recognized the importance of inviting and targeting foreigners into their country. Countries are in a race to attract more and more digital nomads. Digital nomads are investing in the economy of these foreign countries without involving in the local job market of that country. This is a win-win for both parties. Each country has different names for these visas or peculiar programs they have introduced. Also, in some cases, digital nomad visas offer discounts on accommodation, transportation, and other services.

According to Harvard Business Review, " some companies like Zapier, Gitlab, and Doist have embraced an all-remote work model. Others like Twitter and Shopify are keeping their physical offices but using a “remote first” mindset. Many companies are exploring hybrid work models, allowing annual periods of work-from-anywhere."

What is a Digital Nomad Visa?

Digital Nomad Visa is basically an authorization that lets you work in another country while you stay there. The only rule is that you cannot enter the local labor market or compete in one while you are there. As long as your work is remote and you pay taxes in your own country, it's acceptable. Your income should not come from the foreign country where you are staying. Digital Nomad Visa is just like a tourist visa, but better!

Who can get these Visas?

If you are a freelancer or an entrepreneur whose job is location independent, you can choose to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa. If your job does not require you to worry about time zones or geographical boundaries, then you can opt for a Digital Nomad Visa. This will help you to work and live in a foreign country for a longer duration and you might even be exempted from tax in some of these countries.

Some of the most popular digital nomads' jobs include content creators, digital marketers, digital entrepreneurs, tech developers, graphic designers, website developers, and influencers.

What are the requirements and how can you apply?

You require to meet a minimum income requirement if you want to apply for a digital nomad visa. This could vary according to country. The requirements will vary according to each country. You would also need to cover your health insurance while choosing to reside in another country. You are also supposed to show proofs of documents related to your remote work, income, travel insurance, your period of stay, and when you intend to go back to your country. These are all prerequisites for a digital visa. While few countries like Indonesia provide tax-free visas others don’t. You have to look into these details while applying for the visa.

The process is a lot like applying for a tourist visa but with a longer duration. Just like other processes, you would have to fill out an online application, schedule appointments at the visa office, and go through interviews to get your visa. There would be a fee that one would need to pay for their visa as well. You can get these details from most travel agencies or government portals.

For a digital visa application, you would need to submit your visa application form, your passport, identity pictures, proof of health insurance, financial income, evidence of remote work, and other identification documents. You must also ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months at the time of application. Most times, it might take a month or so for processing the visa application but this can vary with country requirements.

You might be rejected or denied a visa in case you don’t meet the legal requirements or minimal income requirements. This is also applicable if you have previous criminal records as well.

Which are some of the best countries that offer Digital Nomad Visas?

Many countries currently offer different forms of digital nomad visas. Countries like Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, Norway, and Spain are some of the countries offering different types of visas for freelancers. While Indonesia gives a very long duration of stay which is almost 5 years, with just $50, other countries like Thailand offer a four-year period visa. The most common duration is one to two years of stay in most of the countries offering digital nomad visas.

Most countries offer online guidelines and seamless processes for applying for Digital Nomad Visa. Many European countries are top in offering digital nomad visas. Most of these visas are Schengen visas which give you access to about 26 European countries.

In the next blog post, we will discuss more different types of digital nomad visas offered by various countries.