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Becoming a Digital Nomad - Top 5 Skills You’ll Need in 2022



The earth is a beautiful place. Every day we neglect to live a full life, we lose the wonder and joy it holds. If you have been wanting to transform your work environment and want to explore a digital nomad lifestyle, you have come to the right place! We have some useful tips that might help you kickstart your dream journey as a Digital Nomad. Let’s talk about 5 Digital Nomad Skills You Need to Begin!

Becoming a Digital Nomad does not happen in one day. Social media can skew our vision in the wrong direction. It sure is a dream nomadic lifestyle with tropical islands, a treehouse in a jungle or a city drenching in cultural heritage. But it comes with a lot of complexities too. You have to figure out a way to earn substantial income to keep going every day. This requires a lot of dedication, preparation, upgrading your skill sets and honing them to match up to the highly competitive remote resource talent pool. It sometimes takes years of perseverance to build skill sets that liberate you from your 9-5 jobs. There is a lot of instability and challenges while moving to a digital nomadic lifestyle. Hoverspacians want to give you some tips on skills that might come in handy while becoming a digital nomad.

1. Adequate Planning and Preparation

It is always important to plan ahead. Before heading to a new country or place, make a checklist of essential things you need to take care of before leaving. For example:

  • Country currency rate,

  • Easy and cheap accommodation facilities

  • Internet Connection and VPN requirements

  • Visa and Insurance (flight tickets, bank procedures, international insurance coverage etc.)

You also need to visualise and prioritise goals in terms of work so that there is consistency. Sparing time every day to look out for opportunities while travelling as a digital nomad is crucial. You also have to choose the right duration for each place you plan to travel and stay in. It's tempting to explore so many different places all at once. Make sure that you make the most of the place you are currently in before moving to another city.

Tip: Planning saves time and money

2. Productivity

It might be overwhelming to meet deadlines when you are dumbstruck by nature and its beauty. Well, it’s important to get your job done so that this whole lifestyle is possible. So how do you stay productive amidst the constant changes in places and climatic conditions? There are various apps now available that help boosts your productivity like Hive, Slack and Forest. There is no one technique that works for all. You got to find what works for you. As a digital nomad, you might face daily challenges with productivity like distractions that come from a non-traditional place. Find what app works best for you as a remote worker to boost your productivity.

Tip: Trello is one of the best digital nomad apps for boosting productivity as it helps in keeping track of all your business projects.

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3. Flexibility

There is a lot of flexibility that comes with a remote job. But it also comes with varying time zones of colleagues/ clients, new ways of working, new locations and food. While humans are really good at adapting to fresh challenges and changes, always be prepared for the worst scenario. WiFi issues, server problems, and irregular power are all part of the game. Infrastructure and food choices might not always be the way you expect them to be. You might have to pull some all-nighters to meet deadlines abiding by the time zones of your clients. Always expect the worst and hope for the best. When things turn out fine, be grateful that they did.

Tip: Learn to manage your stress levels and keep your cool no matter what!

4. Decision Making

The biggest decision every digital nomad makes is to live life a bit differently from others. The rest of the other decisions all fall into place one after the other. As a digital nomad, you are constantly deciding and what might seem insignificant in the beginning turns into crucial choices you make. Let me give an example: When you begin your journey, you probably start small - move to a nearby city/ town, take small steps, and find small gigs. These small steps are all tiny decisions that add up to a bigger one in the long run. You wind up crossing the oceans and start taking on bigger projects in the later phase of your life. You are constantly making up your mind on something.

Tip: Every Step Counts. Its ultimately the Snowball Effect

5. Branding Yourself

Marketing skills are so crucial for a digital nomad. Learning how to brand yourself, showcase your portfolio, and bring your products to the e-commerce world requires you to learn a few internet marketing skills. Understanding search engines like LinkedIn, Upwork, Amazon, and Google is important to run the game. If you have decided to work online and travel for a long term, you have to learn internet marketing. It sure is a challenge to get into those search results. But it can be learnt through people and platforms. You could be a blogger, product developer, content creator or running your own business. It's important to get yourself noticed.

Tip: Learn how to use Keywords to get Noticed.